Sunday, October 18, 2009

Under the Sea...

Daddy and I threw ourselves into this project this weekend. Last weekend Brad started the background-sand and sea-and at that point neither one of us wanted to wait very long as we were excited. I probably overdid it a lot since I am very sore today and ready to cry but we have all the paiting done! We still need to put alot in the room but you get the idea. My parents are gifting us a glider with matching ottoman and it should be delivered this week so imagine that in the room as well. We are also planning on putting the toy chest next to the changing table and looking for some area rugs or throw rugs or something to go on the floor.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

27 Weeks

I am in the last few days of my second trimester. We will soon be in the homestretch!!! Baby bear is a big mover these days. I can feel him whether I am sitting, standing, walking, or laying down now. We have also moved into another milestone where we can SEE the baby move as well as feel it. My stomach jumps around a bit now and I have been able to get Brad's attention a few times while it was happening. He loves watching it and has felt it more often now too. Our book says that the baby now has distinct waking and sleeping times and boy does mommy notice :) We had a bit of a scare last week and I ended up going to the hospital. I woke up around 4 am with and indescribable pain in my lower back and terrible aches in my legs. I have a muscular disorder so I just told myself it was that. I didn't really sleep anymore after that and when I finally got out of bed a few hours later I was still very much in pain. Nothing I could do would change it :( To top it off I wasn't feeling the baby like I normally do. I know of a few things which will make the baby kick me and tried all of them to no avail. I did finally feel it shortly after noon which is NOT normal and it took well over an hour to feel four kick counts. I called the Doctor's office to talk to the nurse hoping she would tell me that I was worrying for nothing but she told me to head to the hospital. After initially not being able to reach Brad I called my mom and she rushed out the door to get me. Brad called me back finally and he left work and we met my mom at the hospital. I was hooked to a fetal monitor and they found a very strong heartbeat and about ten minutes into the monitoring someone got very upset with everything on my belly and began beating me up! What a relief! The baby is absolutely FINE. I am not in labor, not dilating yet, everything is as it should be and where it should be; I don't have a kidney infection, bladder infection or a UTI nor gall or kidney stones. Yay! What I did hurt is my sacroiliac muscle....have no clue what I did to it though. I don't suggest it as I am still in some pain and discomfort and it will probably flare up and get worse as the pregnancy progresses. JOY of Joys. But I have been resting a lot and Brad took a day off to take care of me last week and doesn't let me do much when he is around. But, other than that and the normal pregnancy pains I am fine and doing well as the picture below shows!
We also began painting the nursery this weekend and as of tonight daddy should have the background colors done so we can start adding the pictures to the murals. Very exciting and I go into the nursery all the time and tell baby bear what a good job his daddy is doing. We'll get our bedding in sometime this week too so we can put the crib all together and have even more done. I have another doctor appointment next week and will hopefully have all good news after that!