Monday, July 19, 2010

When I'm not cleaning, I'm crafting.

My thumb boo-boo post reminded me that I havne't shown off some of my creative side on here for a while. With the arrival of Caroline my arts and crafts side has started to take over again. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved crafting and creating. I am not too bad at drawing, I decorate cakes, I make simple jewelry and I can even work my sewing machine. Yes, I actually own my own machine:) Lately I have been making things with my little girl in mind. And on that thought, I thought I would share with you since they really all easy and some of them used recycled goods and simple supplies and take very little time.

We have one huge wall in our living room that had nothing on it. We decided we would devote it to our children and their portraits. Well, while we only have one child right now it looked very empty so I had to come up with something to go with it and the result was this:

That is a thrift store frame that I bought for $2. Removed what was in it, sanded it down and spray painted it black. Then I found some scrapbook paper that I like and cut it to fit. Brad helped me stamp Caroline's foot but her hand was not as easy. I finally gave up trying to stamp it and waited for her to fall asleep and traced it and then backed it with black. Looks good to me and I will probably continue to do it for anymore children that we add to this gallery:)

On that same trip to the thrift store I found some more frames and one of them turned into this:

Again, I took a $1 frame from the thrift store and sanded and sprayed it. I also removed the glass...a la my cut finger :) I had found the foam 'C' at Joann's a while back and kept it trying to figure out how I could use it. I went back to Joann's and found some scrapbook paper that I liked and cut it to fit the frame. Put that and the backing of the frame back in the frame and then glued the C to it. I finished it with a ribbon hanger and it is now on Caroline's bedroom door!

Now, I wouldn't have mentioned the sewing machine for nothing. I have used it to make ONE thing for her so far. She started showing favoritism to certain blankies and fabrics at different times so I took that as my cue and made her one of her new favorite things:

The pink front is flannel just like the burp cloths that she lays her head on when I burp her on my shoulder. The back is terrycloth like the washcloths she likes to chew on while I am folding towels with her on my bed :) I added some more texture witgh felt rick-rack and four different ribbons-one 'taggie' on each corner. She LOVES to chew on those. She rolls around in it on the floor and hides her face in it and on our car rides she usually falls asleep holding onto it.

And, finally if you haven't received one of these yet it's probably because you have little boys! I make hairbows now too. I figure SOMEDAY my child will grow some hair. I will be ready!

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