Friday, February 20, 2009

The weather is here, wish you were beautiful :)

Well, all we've heard about the last few days is the snow threatening everyone back home. We hate to say it but that is the farthest thing from our minds. But, it's true what they say about wanting what you had when you don't have it anymore. I am getting near sick of SWEAT! For a better part of this week the temps were pushing 90! Even laying out by the pool is too hot some times...we have to stay in the water or jump in and out every few minutes just to stay cool. Needless to say I am starting to show some pretty prominent tan lines. I am sure that some of you only dream of this weather right now so I will try my best to send some home :) We, the engineer wives, have to walk most everywhere and would rather not get in a taxi regardless (we actually value our lives and want to live long ones!) and just walking down the block and back works up a sweat these days. With all the walking and sweating I only hope that some pounds shed off me too! I feel sorriest for Brad though. He has worked 13 hours everyday this week and the plant has no air conditioning. He comes back to the hotel so shiny and sticky and I can't help but kiss him. Poor guy...and, they have to be in jeans and all so that makes it worse. But, relief may be in sight today....maybe. I walked to the supermarket...about 4 blocks....dressed as cool as I could get since it was heating up already before 11 in the morning. When I came out an hour later the humidity was closing in on us and I watched the clouds as I picked up the pace. Yes, we are in for some serious STORMS here today. The wind was blowing all over the place and the sky had gotten so dark by the time I returned. It hasn't fallen yet but I am sure it will put on quite a show once it does. We'll see how this big baby who is still afraid of thunder and lightening will do. Hope you all survive whatever conditions Mother Nature is throwing your way as well! Again, I'll try to send some sunshine your way!

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