Monday, March 5, 2012

Life as a two year old

While reading through my blog I realized I made a HUGE mistake. I'm so sorry Caroline. However old you are as you read this, I am sorry!

Our little princess turned two over a month ago!! Actually almost TWO months ago now! woops :(

It was a day spent in style. Minnie Mouse style. I started planning the party months in advance and she was in a Minnie phase so that's what I ran with. She is in the phase again since most everyone 'themed' their gifts with the party and we now own just about every Minnie toy on the market :)

The day was full of fun with family and friends and Caroline entertained everyone every step of the way. While she opened her presents she was handing out her cards and gifts to all the kids to hold as she moved on to the next one. Oh, and she made sure to tell everyone when to clap and laugh. Literally. She is good at giving orders :)I think her favorite gift is her bike. I thought she would be too young for it still but she fell in love with one at the store two weeks before her party. The planner in me had already bought all her gifts so it wouldn't come from us but my parents needed an idea and Caroline was very grateful for it.

Daddy and I gave her a very special gift and so far it is still doing well! Caroline got to go and pick out a new friend and we named her 'Dora'. Yes, we are now a family with a pet. Dora is still swimming strong so Caroline is taking very good care of her!

She has changed and grown up so much in the last year. She is such a big girl and most everyone who meets her is shocked when I tell them she just turned two. They all expect her to be older!
She can count to eleven and knows every animal sound there is. Her vocabulary is out of this world and she is usually making me smile and laugh every week with something she says to me. She loves to carry around things in something. Whether a bucket, a bag, a purse whatever it is it's usually filled with an assortment of crayons and toys. She LOVES to color and be creative with me. So far no walls or other household items have been destroyed and I am thankful for that :) Alhtough, her Caillou doll did get a makeover that mommy was able to scrub away.... She is mommy's big helper. Whether helping me with Mark or cooking or cleaning or putting the groceries away she is always right there offering her assistance and wanting to learn. Her favorite movie right now is Tangled and she watches just about anything animated that is on when I turn the tv on. Thank goodness she is starting to enjoy variety...mommy had every episode of Caillou memorized! She eats like a little pig and enjoy anything and everything we give her. Her favorite food is currently broccoli and she was recently introduced to chocolate milk and is now loving that too. There is so much more that I am probably forgetting but I had to mention her other two favorites right now. I gave birth to a little girl and was so looking forward to the frills and bows that went with it. While my best gal enjoys her baby dolls and wearing dresses her favorite things right now are.....dinosaurs and pirates. When she sees anything to do with those two things she is instantly attracted. So, mommy bought her a pirate hat and made her a dinosaur tail that she loves stomping around in.

And, if you notice in the pictures you can tell how much she loves to let me brush her hair and make it all pretty with 'ponies' and bows :) So much for my 'girly-girl!'

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