Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby's First Christmas??

As I had mentioned almost a year ago now, my brother is in the Navy. He left last May for Kuwait and obviously missed A LOT of things with the family. He unfortunately was not here for Caroline's birth but was very excited to meet her when he came home and she was 8 weeks old. To make up for some important things that we didn't get to do as a family we decided to make our 'welcome home' dinner our Christmas dinner instead. Mom was making our traditional Polish Christmas eve dinner of fish and pierogi and we were going to eat on the Christmas dishes and she had even bought some cut and bake Christmas cookies and some hershey miniatures for Larry per his request after the holidays so we had those too! At the last minute we decided to even put up the tree and some other decorations to add to the fun. We all dressed up like it was Christmas and enjoyed our very sunny, very warm Christmas 2009as a family in March of 2010 :)

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