Wednesday, December 2, 2009

6 more weeks of waiting....

As of yesterday I am at 34 weeks with 6 more to go. I remind myself often that I only have six more weeks left-something has to get me through the day! This is the only time in my life where I am looking forward to a milestone involving the number 40. We had our doctor appointment today and it was a really good one. At my last appointment two weeks ago, the doctor I saw wasn't sure if the baby was head down. But, the doctor today was able to immediately confirm that baby bear has headed south and is in position!!! I was so excited after spending the last two weeks asking the baby to move and praying I wouldn't need a c-section or anything. I also found out that I have a very boney little bottom pressing up against my ribs making me quite uncomfortable most of the time :) Baby bear doesn't have much room left but kicks and moves all the time. His little feet are on the left side of my belly just as I expected from the amount of movement latley. He also gets the hiccups more often and it is easier for me to feel them and it is so cute. I also didn't gain much weight this time much to my surprise and I am very happy with my weight gain thus far for the pregnancy. I get braxton hicks contractions alot and have passed the point where anything can make me comfortable. Sleeping has become a bit of a chore and the baby does NOT like when we spend too much time in the car! That boney little bottom likes to push upward then :) But, we are all ready for the arrival of our little one and it seems it is all I can think about through the day. Brad has had a very tough work schedule lately where he is working nights and sleeping during the day so that makes it tough for both of us and he may have to make a small out of town work trip soon so please keeps us all in thought and prayer as we get closer and closer everyday. We can hardly wait for this ourselves and look forward to sharing our joy with you soon!

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