Monday, June 20, 2011

Long time, no blog...

I have good reasons though. We've been busy growing and taking care of this little slice of heaven :)

I guess I have gotten into that mindset of "no one is going to want to read about the boring things we have going on" or I am too busy with the few 'big events' we have going on that I let my blog fall to the wayside.

If you still even read this blog (does anybody, really? let me know...) I am sorry!

We've had THREE ultrasounds already so we've seen lots of 'Santa Baby' as my nieces have nicknamed him. Yes, they tell me it's a boy this time! Abby and Ania have all sorts of reasons and explanations about why I am having a 'boy baby' this time and since Abby was the ONLY one in the family to be correct right from the get go with Caroline...I have to wonder this time!

All we want is a healthy baby and if you are close enough to us to know our struggle right now, you know that we aren't just being 'cliche' or anything.

I am through the first trimester but I can't seem to find any energy still. I was doing SO well with everything until about week 10...I swear I barely 'felt' pregnant until then. After that I was nauseated all the time and if I didn't take a nap I was sleeping on the couch anytime after 4 pm. I am starting to show off a bit more of a bump than I expected and I THINK I feel movement every now and then!

I only have pictures of our second ultrasound on my computer and those ones are actually the best ones. The first ultrasound was just two weeks before this and all we had was a blob. I mean, I thought the baby's head was it's butt. I'm going for mother of the year. But, the next time we looked the baby was super cooperative and kicking and fidgeting and we could make out so much. I don't know if this was because we were seeing a specialist and their machine/tech is better but it was amazing! I can't wait for the next two weeks to pass by...we get to check out our little one again and take some more measurements and hopefully get some good news.

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