Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our "Nest"

Well, I think I am nesting...and Brad agrees with me! We spent a lot of time this weekend cleaning and organizing-which is great with the holidays all coming up as well as the baby arriving soon. I actually had a bit of a small meltdown in the kitchen the other day because it was so messy and unorganized and seemed like it would take forever to fix it! Poor Brad didn't know what to do with me. The nursery is all ready; it now has a nice glider and area rug to finish everything off. Everything is put together, if it needs batteries it has them and all clothes and blanket and linens are freshly washed and put away. Baby Bear even has his bag packed for the hospital. Mommy will get to hers in the next couple of weeks when I figure out what the heck I need to have with me! Along with all the cleaning I've been doing I did a lot of organizing and downsizing and throwing stuff away and such which is good. Brad and I are packrats and hold on to everything, even junkmail sometimes and it can get bad. We also both admit that we are guilty of being droppers-we leave things wherever we can drop them and then eventually (like days or weeks later) we put them where they belong. This will never work with a new baby around :) But, since we got the house so clean we began work on Holiday things! Yes, our tree is up and yes you can make fun of me because it is only November 15. But, I have been forbidden from doing any decorating or box lifting on my own this year :( so I have to do it when I have the help and the energy. I will slowly work on getting the rest of it pulled out of the boxes Brad took out in the next two weeks. And, hopefully I will have outdoor decorations too this year as Brad has finally given in to my pouting and pleading and we have an outlet outside! Honestly, who builds a house without electricity outside? Most of our shopping is done as well and whatever has been bought has even been wrapped. Go me! As of Tuesday I will be 32 weeks and 8 months pregnant! I will be asking the Doctor on Wednesday if we can figure out where everything is-head, butt, feet etc. Whenever I sit down I have something snuggled up really close to my rib cage on the right side and it can get uncomfortable :) Baby bear moves alot and my stomach does a whole lot more jumping when he moves. He gets a new schedule all the time and the current one gets his energy up and jumping around 8-9 at night. And, when I go to bed at 10 we are still going strong and kicking away. As you can see we are gaining weight and growing right on schedule. Only a few more weeks now! Pretty soon we will be 'rounding third' as some may say.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Showers of Blessings

We had a jam-packed, fun-filled Halloween weekend and we may need a whole week to recover! When my mom and sister found out Halloween would fall on a Saturday this year they knew it was the perfect time for a shower-I love Halloween as much as Christmas! I really enjoyed my afternoon with our family and friends. I saw some people I hadn't seen in a while and I won't soon be forgetting it. Baby bear has LOTS of new things to look forward to. We are so grateful for the generosity of everyone and have 99% of our baby gear ready and waiting now! We spent today washing all the new things and putting together all of the baby stuff. After putting together so many things we may need to start buying batteries in bulk-almost every baby item needs something! I love all of our new things and was surprised by several touching items that we received that we didn't register for. Baby bear already has his first Green Bay Packers sweatsuit, lots of homemade baby hats, a beautiful afghan that will be perfect for the baptism day and I even got a bit emotional when I opened the gift from my brother and his fiancee. Knowing he is thinking of all of us while so far away really got to me. And, my sister and her family bought a toybox for us and inside was the picture that hung in our nurseries as babies with a note on the back saying mom had given it to her and she was passing it to me and in time she asked I pass it to our brother...yet another tearful moment! We feel more ready and we will spend the next few weeks organizing it all, figuring out how things work and buying any other things we think we need. Hopefully we can get it all done before January!