Monday, September 27, 2010

Long time no update!

It seems the end of our summer is when we were the busiest! August was filled with a wedding, some birthday parties and a very special weekend visit from Grandma and Grandpa Borek. Whew, have we been busy!!! Life is starting to even out again and Caroline has gotten so big so fast!!! Currently this is the bulk of my days...

Yes, shortly, and I mean SHORTLY after perfecting her crawling skills Caroline has learned to stand up! She does it everywhere and while leaning on anything she can. She has taken some steps sideways while holding on to the couch so I am sure she will be taking off much sooner than I anticipated! She is often found standing when we go to get her out of her crib after sleepytimes and is waiting for us to walk through the door. The house seems to be fully protected from her little hands now and if it's not safe from her she helps us realize that fast enough! We are glad we replaced our stairway banisters last year since she is now trying to climb on them as she stands laughing at us. She is getting into everything and I love hearing her laugh and seeing her little smile when I tell her she can't do something :)She is just too big now! I am starting to put her in more 12 month clothes and she just turned 8 months last week!She is growing up sooo fast!
She has two teeth on the bottom of her mouth and we are Still waiting for the top ones to pop through. It seems like we began waiting weeks ago....she has had a few runny/congested noses that the doctor thinks we can blame the teething for. Even though she doesn't have teeth that doesn't stop her from eating anything and everything we let her try! She has her dad's appetite and fortunately not her mother's picky eating habits! She can also now clap, wave, show you how big she is and she gives me kisses when I ask for them and pucker my lips....awww! She also LOVES to talk on the phone-but has recently discovered she can push the buttons!-so if you ever want to hear her just give us a call! She may even surprise you with her 'speaking' skills...we have heard a few 'words' come out of her mouth. One day while at my parents house she was watching my dad go in and out of the house getting ready to go somewhere and Brad told her 'Papa is getting the car ready' and after that she began crawling down the hallway and all we could hear was "Papa. Papa. Papa" My mom stepped out of her room as I leaned forward on the couch to look down the hall and we both thought "Nooooo. It can't be" but sure enough that is what she was saying...and has continued to say much to my dismay! But, the other night at dinner Brad got his heartstrings plucked when his little girl finally said "Dada"...I think if he could have jumped in the air he would have! Now, I am working on the 'mama' end of things :)