Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just like mommy!

Sometimes it amazes me how much Caroline can do and understand and comprehend as she gets older. Every once in awhile she will do something all on her own out of nowhere and just wow me.

Yesterday I was looking something up online in the living room and heard her little padded feet enter the kitchen. Uh-oh, mommy must have left the gate open. Caroline saw her escape and took it! I went in there after her to bring her back and found the funniest site. She really must have thought she was going somewhere and since I knew she wouldn't get far I ran and got the camera so I could share the joke with Brad later. Here's the joke:

If you look carefully she has her keys and credit card in one hand and her purse on her other one (while holding My Little Pony). I told Brad I think this means she wants to go to the mall :) He just laughed.

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