Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby News

Yesterday was my monthly appointment with my doctor...we've made it to the 6 month mark! Just saying six months is unbelievable but I know I feel like this is taking forever. I am very impatient. The doctor measured me and I am right on target to where I should be and my weight gain wasn't too bad this time. The baby moves around ALOT now and it started going crazy when the doctor started talking to me. I had been in the same position for a while up to that point and felt nothing until I started talking with the doctor so I am wondering if baby bear can hear and make out new sounds/voices. Its favorite time to start to move around is when mom lays down, gets comfy and closes her eyes. Of course, when it starts it is hard to ignore and I tell baby bear to calm down. I now have to start keeping track of fetal kick counts which they taught me about. The doctor talked to me about getting flu shots. He would like to see me get both the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines but I don't know how I feel about that. We'll be praying on that until the next appointment. I have to go in for the standard blood glucose test which thrills me not but hopefully it will all turn out ok.

Baby bear's nursery is all taped off and waiting to be painted....hopefully we will start that in the next two weeks around our busy schedule. I am starting to wash all the clothes and stuff I have been picking up too. I got a baby shower gift in the mail today from someone who can't come to the big event and it was so exciting. So, we are starting to get the real 'tools' that we will need for the baby and it's getting real. We've got a couple crazy weekends ahead of us so we are hoping to get organized sometime soon and at least started before the end of October and my baby shower. I have one more appointment in October before we start going every two weeks. I went to put my appointments on our calendar and it just hit me how fast things are going to start going soon. We'll be there before we know it!

I added a poll to the right side of the blog. Please, just take two seconds because I really want to see what everyone thinks. So far everyone who sees me says the same thing...I am the only one who says different. I don't have a feeling or anything; my thoughts on the matter change everyday really. But, so far most everyone thinks the same thing so I would like to see what more people think!

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