Monday, June 21, 2010

Give Peas a chance :)

We have been steadily working our way through trying all the solid foods. Her first reaction for most of them is pretty much the same. She sits there with the food on her lips and the tip of her tongue and doesn't move. She looks disgusted. But, eventually she will eat all of it and not complain much. So far we have gone through:
Rice cereal-ehh, not a big fan. We put bananas in it last week. Still not impressed.
Oatmeal-likes it even less than the rice cereal.
Peaches-started putting them in her cereal yesterday. Likes it so far but boy do they smell awful!
Peas-kind of indifferent. didn't love them but never really gagged so to speak either.
Sweet potatoes-was a little more interested in getting this one
Green beans-we can't get them in her mouth fast enough! She was actually lunging for the spoon in Brad's hand the other day.
We still have squash and carrots to try yet but are pretty confident she will eat those up too. So far, she hasn't seemed to inherit her mother's picky eating habits...but she is still young ;)

Oh, I almost forgot another way our little Miss C is gaining ground! Brad stood her up next to the couch and let go and she stood on her own! If she is holding on to something she can stand. But, she wants to go so bad that she usually only lasts about 10 seconds before she collapses. Don't worry we are right there to catch her. Sitting up is going well too....with all the practice we do she will be there soon!

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