Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall Crafts-Part one

As I have said before, since having C-baby my creative instincts have returned. They have more than returned...they are on FIRE!! It all started by reading/following a few craft blogs. Then those linked to other blogs sometimes. And, I started following those ones too. Then more links. More ideas and instructions. More trouble for me! I have spent so much time in the craft stores the last few weeks but I am having so much fun and usually spending much less money if I had bought things already made! Most of the crafts are for Halloween but some are specifically for the house decor. Here is what I have to show off so far:
This one is on our front door and only cost me $6 to make! Wreath frame, leaves and Harvest sign all found at Dollar Tree. Pic with the pumpkin and stuff on it was from Big Lots.

These ones I am very excited over! I found the instructions here at THIS blog. I had seen a ceramic 'B' pumpkin at Hobby Lobby and it cost $30! I was so happy to find a much cheaper way to do it myself. I bought one of those fake, carvable pumpkins from Joann's and a paint pen. I printed the B off on the computer, cut it out, traced it and filled in with the paint pen. I then embellished with little crystals I had on hand. It cost less than half of what Hobby Lobby wanted! The little pumpkins I got at Dollor Tree and Big lots and covered them in glue and then sprinkled glitter all over. So easy and so BEAUTIFUL!!

I got the idea for this "Haunted House" here. I bought everything at Joann's and it was so easy and quick. The second picture is of everything put together on the top of our bookcase.

The next one is a before and after. I went to Salvation Army and found this for $1...
Then I took it home and it became this:
Instructions HERE....it looks much better in person :) and, I used my paint pen again for the face.

Finally this is what I got around to finishing today. So excited for Halloween this year! I bought C a pail that is a pumpkin wearing a Packer's helmet last year so she will use that for one set of Trick or Treating and this for the other:

Isn't it the cutest! I originally found the instructions HERE
It was the first time I had used Heat N'Bond and let me say: WOW!! that stuff was so great and easy to use. No problem whatsoever and it is so strong!
That's it for now. Now, don't go thinking I have all this free time with a home and child to take care of :) I do a little between housework while C sleeps and my wonderful husband lets me take a hour for myself at night a few times a week so he and his little girl can have one on one time! Come back soon and hopefully some more of my projects will be done!