Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just like mommy!

Sometimes it amazes me how much Caroline can do and understand and comprehend as she gets older. Every once in awhile she will do something all on her own out of nowhere and just wow me.

Yesterday I was looking something up online in the living room and heard her little padded feet enter the kitchen. Uh-oh, mommy must have left the gate open. Caroline saw her escape and took it! I went in there after her to bring her back and found the funniest site. She really must have thought she was going somewhere and since I knew she wouldn't get far I ran and got the camera so I could share the joke with Brad later. Here's the joke:

If you look carefully she has her keys and credit card in one hand and her purse on her other one (while holding My Little Pony). I told Brad I think this means she wants to go to the mall :) He just laughed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sassy pants

I decided to update the blog just now. I just asked Caroline if she pooped (I already knew the answer as she now makes sound effects whe she does her biz and her eyes bug out of their sockets) and she replied "poop". We've learned so much in the last few weeks :)

She knows how to say poop and poo-poo. And, will walk to her bedroom door and wait to be changed afterwards. Smart cookie.
If you ask her what the doggy says she replies 'woof-woof'...sometimes she is very quiet about it though.
She knows the monkey goes 'ooh-ooh ahh-ahh' and loves bananas.
She knows she is 'sassy' and repeats it whenever you tell her but she puts much more emphasis on in it so it sounds more like 'saaassssssssssssssy'. More like its a good thing to be :)
She knows and will point out where her hair, nose and piggles are. Those are her toes if you couldn't guess.
She knows music is for dancing and her best move is twirling. She spins and spins until she usually falls over from the dizziness. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
She knows how to throw a tantrum. BIG ones. Or at least bigger than anything she ever used to do. She does the dead weight thing really well. Especially at bedtime...
She's gotten really good at understanding questions and commands. If I tell her to give something to mommy she is usually very good at bringing it to me or handing it over. If I ask her where her baby (doll) is she will go get it. Then she does the cutest thing and puts it on her shoulder and pats it like I do when playing with her. She is a cute little mommy :)
She says mommy and daddy or da all. the. time. We love it. She has said busia, poppa, Dave-Dave (my brother in law and one of her favorite people). She knows how to wave and say hi and bye. Adorable. She has been blowing kisses for a while now but after she waves bye she usually knows to blow kisses after that. Melts any heart.
She can pat her hand over her open mouth and do what we used to call the Indian call. Forgive me if that isn't politically correct anymore! She also does the thing where you take your fingers and 'bounce' your bottom lip while humming to make that bub-bub-bub type sound.
She talks and repeats so much and it is amazing how much she understands. I am working on 'all done' with her arms out and everything when she is done eating and we are getting good at it. Perhaps a bit too good....:)
We went to Ash Wednesday mass at night when Brad got home from work. It was quite the experience as that is uaually her time to run around like a hellion and get her energy out before bed. Needless to say she was quite energetic and 'saaaasssssssy' in church. At one point, I can't even remember what part of mass it was, we were all sitting and the whole place was quiet and the priest had just sat down and what did that mean for darling Miss C? Brad was holding her and puts her hands out and proclaims 'all done!' for everyone around us. We were nowhere near being 'all done' so it was a bit embarrassing but more cute than anything.