Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm noticing a pattern

Yesterday we actually had plans. Places to be. People to see :) This doesn't happen often-we would actually get out of the house!! Yay! This doesn't happen much until the weather gets nicer and warmer. Somehow when that happens, I get much more energy :)

Caroline of course woke up way too early...before I did even. Which meant I had to do everything-choose our clothes, start the daily chores, wash my face and brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup-EVERYTHING with her underfoot. Oy. She can really get into stuff within a short span of seconds. I was beyond frustrated with her and was only half dressed myself while she was still in pj's. We had barely started and already mommy was crying. Ok, so I was crying AFTER spending 5 minutes with a flashlight on the floor looking for my wedding ring. Guess who can reach up on mommy's nightstand? Guess what mommy doesn't leave on her nightstand anymore? It was found don't worry.

I do leave her bedroom open while I get ready so she can terrorize that but my bathroom/bedroom has better toys evidently. I called my mom after I found the ring and got my heart to start beating again just to talk myself down again. While on the phone my little angel came out of her room (yes, after she lost it, she left me alone to look for it!) with her church coat. As I talked I kept an eye on her as she walked to the kitchen and made her way to the laundry room. When I caught up with her I saw a similar sight to my last post.
She even managed to put one arm on....the wrong arm but she did it all on her own!
Either she REALLY likes to be outside or she doesn't like being here:) I think its the first one...I hope!