Monday, October 3, 2011

Karma. It sucks.

I don't know if I truly believe in Karma per se.

I do think that if you put good (or bad) out there, you will eventually get good (or bad) things come back to you.

Is that Karma?? Who knows.

I do however, 100% fully believe in the mother's curse. Did your mother curse you? Mine did it to me. The curse sounds something like: 'someday when you have your own children I hope they..." or "I hope someday you have a child just like yourself ..."

Then, WHAM!!! Karma steps up and high fives you in the face.

Yes, my parents delight in laughing at my situation with Caroline currently. They don't even try to hide their amusement and enjoyment. I wouldn't blame them. Now that I am in their position, albeit about 25 years later, I hope this cycle of the curse may continue and I can be the one watching my daughter tough this one out.

Back when I was little girl, from about ages 2-6 I enjoyed my bathtime.

I did NOT enjoy having my hair washed though. I think my parents hated it too after awhile. They could close all the windows and lock them tight and even have the air conditioner running making tons of noise; and my dad would be outside later and the neighbor would still say: 'so, you washed Monica's hair this morning,huh?'. They REALLY hated it.

Yes, I would scream and cry and go all hysterics that loud :) They tried everything. I had one of those foam hat things so the water couldn't get in my face. Nope. My mom tried washing my hair in the sink like at a beauty shop. Nope, didn't work. She tried to get me to sing songs with her. It sounded something like this: "these are a FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS" with the octave and emphasis gaining on each word as she poured the water on my head and my knuckles getting white holding on to the arm of the chair.

I remember being in the tub one time and my mom said it was time to lean back to rinse my hair. I did what I thought was 'lean back' and she had to pry my little fingers off the side of the tub and the soap dish as I was holding on to them for dear life so as not to lean back too far. As I said this went on for YEARS. It probably didn't help that I had thick hair down to my butt either. Looking back I cant' believe they didn't just hack it all off and save some time and sanity. And for the safety of their eardrums.

Caroline is not this bad...I hope it never gets like this. I am frustrated already. She won't sit still, she won't stay seated and she rarely stays quiet once that water hits her head. I even try to get it wet in shifts. I start at the back-nowhere near her pretty little face. Nope. The panic begins as soon as any one little hair is damp. She loves taking a bath and her little feet and fingers are all pruney by the time we force her to get out. Her hair is another story. And, since I am the one who is doing the washing that means her dad is the one trying to hold her or lean her back and calm her. Yeah, because he doesn't crumble under his little girl's screams. He is mush and it doesn't usually work when we try not to get it in her face. I have started to just pour two big cups of water right over her head to get it over with as fast as possible. Yes, she screams but we wipe her face and tell her its all over and her world is soon right again.

As much as my parents hated washing my hair they love when I wash Caroline's hair about ten times as much. They get too much joy out of this. My mom does tell me I am only being a good mother but she has to stop chuckling first.

The mother's curse. Don't ever doubt it.

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