Thursday, July 7, 2011

Poop happens

Hey, you all know how much I love poop.

I have several blog posts devoted to the subject actually. But, today I actually am excited to talk about it! It may just be a fluke but this morning my not so little girl put something in her Elmo potty seat!

That's right, my 17 month old is a bathroom GENIUS!

I don't expect it to happen again anytime soon but this is huge to me :)

A few weeks ago we noticed she was very interested in her cousins going potty at our house. Like the toothbrushing thing we though maybe this would work to our advantage. After both Ania and Abby were done on the toilet she made my sister put her up there too and hold on to her. Nothing happened but we took it as a sign. So, we went out and purchased a potty that can eventually have the seat put on the big toilet for easy transition. It has Elmo on it and he even talks to you when you hive five his big hand. Not annoying at all :)

We haven't really been trying per se but she does sit on it and we have taken her diaper off and sat her on it while explaining to her what she was supposed to put in there. She thought it was a great novelty, of course.

But, this morning I was on the phone with my mom and about a minute into the conversation she started to walk out of the living room. I stopped her and asked where she was going. She turned and said 'poop' and kept walking. I stayed on the phone and followed her and sure enought she went and pounded on the bathroom door. Upon me opening the door she walked to Elmo and tried to take her pants off on her own! I helped and sat her down and about 10 minutes and all of her bath toys and books taken out sure enough there was a tiny lil ball of it in the potty!

We cheered! We clapped! We gave Elmo a high five! Mommy cried! Busia yelled praise on the phone! I took a picture to send to daddy later! (I'll spare you that viewing :) )

It was a magical bathroom party! I don't know if it will happen again anytime soon but I am enjoying it for today. I have plans to visit the mall today with a friend and you can bet someone will be getting a good 'potty prize'.

Way to 'go', Caroline! Mommy (and Elmo!) is so proud of you!