Thursday, September 8, 2011

Open letter to my daughter-

Sweet, Sweet Caroline-

I am so blessed and excited I get to journey with you every single day as you grow and change. I have to laugh at your appetite as of late. Just like your daddy-you eat anything! You really love your raspberries and strawberries and broccoli lately. But, just the other day you ate around all the peas and carrots in your soup and only wanted the meatballs and gnocchi ;) I am so glad you didn't get many of mommy's picky eating habits.

However, if you insist on filling your pants on an average of three times a day because of your new appetite, I would greatly appreciate you saving at least one of those occasions until after 5pm. I don't think your father would want to miss out on this 'milestone' stepping stone in you growing up. I want to be sure he is always included in all the changes in your life. Let's give him a chance to participate, huh?

Love you bunches,