Monday, May 14, 2012

The weather is warmer

Warm enough for us to put on shorts and sandals and spend lots of time outside. You would guess this is the case by looking at this, no??

We love being outside and running all over the place :) Those little legs sure move fast! Sometimes too fast as you can tell. I think I have the only kid though, who does NOT like band-aids. She likes the look of them but once I put one on her she flips out. I have Mickey ones, princesses and Winnie the Pooh even but she won't wear them. I told Brad (after about the third tumble and srape in two days) that I think I have a girl that in about five years time I will have to lock in the house and keep away from all bikes, scooters, skates, wagons, bouncy balls and sidewalks for about a month  leading up to First Communion time. I think we'll always have bumps, bruises and scrapes peeking out under our pretty dresses now.

I wouldn't change a thing about my girl :)