Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Santa is bringing us something special....

I figure since I made a big announcement for Caroline, the next one deserved the same. The Easter bunny and Santa Claus must have been working together this year. Right before Easter we found out we had a Christmas package on the way. I am hoping to be able to 'open' this package before Christmas but we'll see :) All is going well and we are aiming for December 17. I see the nurse again tomorrow and the doctor in a few weeks. I don't know what it is with the months of December and January but we seem to want to cram everything into those two :)

Caroline wore her shirt to tell both of the families and my mom noticed right away and froze. I think she walked around in it for over five minutes with Brad's family before anyone realized it! And, it was Brad's sister who just walked in the house who realized it first and thought she missed the big announcement :) I even had to look at the digital test twice to make sure the 'not' wasn't in front of 'pregnant'...nope just one word! I am so thankful for this gift as it did take some more time and effort than we had previously gone through and I also had a 'female issue' pop up right around my birthday that made me even more worried. But, God is in control and I am so happy to be pregnant again and pray that everything continues to go well. Please pray for us all also and we'll keep you updated!

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