Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween 2011

What a FUN time we had this year! Caroline was so interested and active in every activity this year that I can hardly wait until next year! I thought I would do a photo-documentary of all her fun times from Halloween this year.

We bought her her very own tiny pumkin and allowed her to paint it. She had fun but everytime she got paint on herself she would stop what she was doing and make Brad get it off :) My litle girl has some diva in her after all!

We did our traditional Trick or Treat night at Canterbury village and she wore her Frog costume for the first time. I've had to hide it all this time after we put it on her to see if it would fit and she always wanted to play in it and yell 'ribbit!'

She got the hang of trick or treating really fast! She had been practicing saying 'trick or treat' and was really good at it. But, after the first time saying it she went to the rest of the candy stations and when we asked her 'what do you say?' she replied 'I want more!'. Of course, she followed that up with a thank you so her good manners weren't totally wasted!

She of course helped daddy with the carving again this year. Just like my tradition went, we save this for the night before Halloween!

On Halloween night she went Trick or Treating at my parents house with my nieces and some other 'cousins' like we've been doing for years before she was even born. We had a cute frog, a care bear, darth vader, Dorothy from Oz and Jessie from Toy story (in a costume I made her!)

I had been in the ER for most of the day due to some breathing problems so I stayed behind to pass out treats while Brad took her to collect them. He said she kept up with the big kids! We didn't take a stroller or a wagon or anything...she ran with the rest of them. Brad finally had to carry her the last block back to the house but he said she had tons of fun!

These are my favorite pictures :) They are both from our adventures in Canterbury Village. The first one is from last year and of course the one from this year follows. I may have to do this every year from now on!

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