Monday, January 30, 2012

A family portrait

Caroline is quite the artiste. She loves to color and draw. She is constantly asking for her 'colors' i.e. crayons. I keep them out of her reach in a zippered baggie. The out of her reach part came a few weeks ago when she showed me she knew how to open the zippered part. Fun times.

I claim she gets her creative streak from me. I have always loved arts and crafts and while I don't claim to be great at drawing I do have a pretty good knack for it. I drew Mickey Mouse for Caroline once and now she is always asking me to repeat the gesture. And, I believe I've mentioned before one or two of the things I have made for the kids or the house.

We had lunch at Big Boy's yesterday since Caroline had a free lunch to use up as part of their birthday club. She always makes sure to ask the hostess for crayons. Or rather she says "where my crayons??" to make sure they give them to her. This visit I joined in with her to keep her focused on coloring instead of driving the people around us crazy with her antics :) I simply flipped my placemat over to have a clean slate of coloring space. She recently bought a Magna Doodle with some birthday money and I have been keeping her occupied and out of toddler fit throwing by drawing things for her. The other day she asked me to draw daddy and she loved it so much she had me draw everyone in the house. She repeated her request at Big Boy's and now I had the room to draw all of us together! She laughed hysterically as each person took shape and she knew who I was drawing without me telling her so I must be accurate in my representation :)

After I was done and we had giggled enough she asked Brad for his placemat and flipped it over just like mine. Then she took my crayon (they had to be identical evidently!) and drew everyone herself. As she drew each of us she told me who she was drawing and asked me to write the names in. I of course praised her and knew I would treasure both of these pictures for a long time. She was so proud of her artwork and she should be! I think this is one of my favorite pictures of Brad EVER :) and, hey, I don't look too bad myself!

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