Monday, April 30, 2012

My kids are funny: the new 'green' math

I may be her mother but I believe my daughter is the most intelligent two year old ever. She says things or does things and I have no idea how or where she learned them. I certainly don't 'work' on these things with her while we are home all day. She is just a sponge, soaking up the world as she goes.

The other day we were talking a walk with my nieces and my sister and Caroline was being carried back to the house the last block (those little legs slow us all down!) by her auntie. I had told my sister recently how we were sitting in the car and Caroline started counting the trees in front of us and did it correctly! She can count to eleven but doesn't really understand how to count items. But she did it that time :) As my sister balanced Caroline on her hip and Caroline's snack from spilling she asked her:

"Caroline, if I have three trees and I take one away, how many trees do I have left?"

Caroline pulled back and stared at her, shocked, and said: "Why are you cutting down trees!!!??"

She may have a future as an environmentalist. The cutest one ever :)

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