Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Full Term

Yesterday was our 37 week appointment with the doctor. It went well as did our ultrasound in the morning. Baby is looking well; even though it was harder to see everything since he/she is so big at this point. I had a bit of a hard time being on my back for that long so the tech had to finish up quick toward the end and then get me a wet cloth for my face and a glass of water to help me out. But, she did tell us what her calculations were for baby's weight. Now, this is no way even close to being accurate and the doctor explained that these ultrasounds can be off by more than a pound either way. I sure hope if it's off of the guesstimate that is is LESS than what they think! I am not going to say what the guesstimate is but rather wait and see what baby bear really weighs in at! Which, we will have to wait for. The doctor is fine with the size and amount of fluid in there and we are just stuck waiting for this kid to get things started on my own. If I don't go into labor on my own by the week of my due date he will do another ultrsound and then decide if we need to induce. I am glad for one reason not to be induced-inductions are more likely to end in c-sections according to most of what I've read and what my doctor told me. I would like for this part to be over and to be holding my child but I know that I want whats best for both of us. So, for now 'gigantoid' (the new nickname) is staying put and gaining weight steadily...while I actually have lost some in a week. We are looking forward to celebrating this very special Christmas and wish you and yours the best. I can't help this year but think about our blessed Mother all the time to help me through. I am so grateful I don't have to do this on the back of a donkey and give birth in the hay with only a man to help me :) Merry Christmas everyone!

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