Monday, October 29, 2012

Fit for a queen

Do you ever have those moments where you want to be upset or angry or frustrated or to scowl but then your kid does something or says something and you can't keep your foul mood from fading??

Both my kids did this to me the other day.

Mark has turned into a horrible sleeper. He used to just be a bad sleeper but he's progressed. We finally have him sleeping all night in HIS bed again but he starts the day very early that way unfortunately. Of course, he times his wake up time with Brad getting out of bed to shower. So, Brad usually goes to get him and brings him to me and we lay in bed together for a bit longer. This one morning as my face was smushed into my pillow and I longed for more sleep I turned my head to see a very happy and very awake little boy scrambling off of his daddy's lap. Just as I was about to tell him that 'mommy was not amused' with him being awake already he crawled to me.

And spit his NUK out.

And leaned down to me.

And kissed me. A sloppery, wet, open mouthed Mark kiss. He sat back up and clapped, obviously very proud of himself.

I was too :)

As the day wore on take my lack of sleep, the "I'm getting sick" feeling that was attacking me and the fact that my children were being great at being...well, two small, very active children and mommy was not in the best of moods or having a four star day.

I decided to dress the part. Really, if you would have seen me you would have been totally jealous of my beauty. I decided to style my hair in the sexiest way I knew how.

French braided ponytails coming right up!

I looked like the hippest, sportiest, coolest third grader you could ever aspire to be.

But, my hair was out of my face and off my sweat covered neck. After exiting the bathroom I decied to vacuum the floors. Upon entering the living room I heard my daughter squeal with delight and saw her jumping up and down clapping her hands.

"oh, mommy! look at your hair!!!
You look just like Tangled!"

I've never felt prettier :)

Thank you my little prince and princess. For that day, you made me feel richer than a queen.

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