Monday, April 20, 2009

If you've got kids you need to see this!

Or, if you are sans kids and are just a big kid yourself like me! I made this cake for a get together this weekend to suprise one of my friends for her birthday that had just passed. It's called Raibow Cake and when I first saw the recipe I couldn't wait to try it. Everyone at the get together thought it was great (even Brad was amazed!) so I promised to post directions and pictures.

Preheat oven according to the directions for the cake mix.

You will need to prepare TWO white cakes mixes according to the box directions. I did one box and divided the batter and then did the other box and divided it. Once you make the batter scoop one cup (or there abouts...just want it to be even) of batter into SIX separate bowls. Next you will color it and I highly suggest GEL food coloring not the liquid kind I grew up with. I wanted to do traditional rainbow ROY G BIV but for some reason my fancy schmancy cake decorating gel set didn't have a traditional orange and I didn't want to make it too weird with the other colors I had to choose from so I went with Pink. This is not something I would do again since it came out almost exactly like the Red color :( Anyway this is what you should now have. Yummy and pretty!
Next you will need two round cake pans sprayed and ready to go. Take your first pan and start with whatever color you want. I chose red to go in the order of the rainbow. Take about half of the dyed batter mixture and plop it right in the center of the pan. You DO NOT need to spread it or shake the pan or anything...just let it be a big blob in the middle! Now take half of your next colored batter and plop that right on top of the middle of the first color. Continue to do this for all of the colors....just keep putting it right on the top of the last color. Repeat for the second pan with the other half of each colored batter BUT go in the opposite order. So whatever was the last color you put into the first pan now is the FIRST color in the second. When you are done you should have two cake pans that look something like this:

Like I said you don't have to spread the batter. The more batter you add and the heavier it gets, the lower batter sections will spread out all on their own!

Now, bake it according to the directions on the box. When they are done and you take them out have a cake board or plate ready. You can use whatever kind of icing you want. I cofess I did actually do the canned route since I wasn't even entirely sure how the cake itself would come out so I put all my creative skill into that! I iced it with vanilla and added a bunch of rainbow sprinkles to the top.

Now, I didn't tell anyone what kind of cake it was so when I cut into it to serve it they were all pretty surprised and excited to see this!

Like I said, this was the hit of the party and it got rave reviews!! I am so excited it worked and I think it is so much fun! You can use whatever colors you want and have fun!!

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