Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welcome Home Brad!

Brad spent the past week in Indiana, again. But, he is home and I am not even mentioning anything about how long he might be here for fear of the jinx. I stayed home and missed him terribly and couldn't wait for him to get back. This is the longest we have been without the other since our wedding. I made it the whole week and don't want him to leave me again. So, to entice him to never want to leave home I made an AWESOME meal for him on Saturday. He is still talking about how good it is and has had it THREE times since I made it yesterday. For anyone who knows me you can look at the picture and know how much I love my man for the sheer fact that I don't eat much of what is in this meal. No to cooked carrots or anything covered in gravy. But, I did partake in some of it with him and am so proud of myself for making something so great! I even threw in some Red Lobster bisquits that were true to name. I love being the happy homemaker...for now. And, now I give you my fabulous pot roastI can just hear you 'ooohing' :) Now, we just have to wait and see if it worked and Brad will want to stay home always to eat such good food.

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