Thursday, July 22, 2010

Half a Year update!

Yesterday marked six months since Caroline has been born. She is halfway to being one year old! Where did my baby go? It seems like just fact when she woke me up early in the morning I laid in bed thinking 'this time six months ago I was enjoying an epidural!'.

She has been hitting so many of her milestones lately! She gabs and gabs and make noise over everything. Anything she can reach goes into her mouth lately-including her toes. She seems to have just discovered her feet and now always has them up and over her face. She also has found out she has a tongue and blows raspberries and sticks it out CONSTANTLY! And, she is making a lot of new and funny faces with those lips and tongue of her too. She gets up on all fours and rocks all the time too. I think we may be a few days away from full on crawling. Not that she isn't into everything already. She scoots, she rolls, she army crawls, she pushes herself...she is all over the place! She sits up like a champ and has even learned to play a version of peeka boo with me. When I put one of her burp rags on her head now she knows to yank it off and I yell 'Boo!' and then she busts into smiles and giggles. Everyday she is more fun than the last. We have done some swimming in our little blowup pool, we go on walks all the time, we sing and read books and I am trying to teach her to clap. We can't wait to see what the next six months hold for us! We are also looking forward to taking her to the doctor next week to find out how she measures up now. Although, we do have an idea...Brad stepped on the scale with and without her the other day and there was an 18 pound difference!

There's no leaving her on her own anynmore! I ran to the bathroom one day and 30 seconds later I found her like this!

Taking a try at the crawling thing...

She's got her feet...

There's that tongue!

Sitting on her own!

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