Monday, July 19, 2010

This is what happens when you do housework:

I will now confess to you that I am afraid of my garbage can. Seriously, just going into it makes me very wary today. Just last Thursday I feared no ordinary household cleaning equipment and now my trash can gives me the heebie-jeebies. I was cleaning house for a party we were having this past weekend and my idiot meter kicked into gear. Upon clearing off our kitchen counter I found a pane of glass from a picture frame I used in a craft project. I realized that I would never use this piece of glass for anything and I thought for three seconds about putting it into a box before placing it in the trash can. I should have thought it through some more. Alas, I didn't and put it in the nearly full trash can standing up on it's side no less. I thought with it being a full piece of glass with no broken pieces it wouldn't hurt anything. WRONG. About twenty minutes later I went to put more things in the trash and since it was so full I did that thing where you push down when you put things in. I caught the knuckle of my thumb on the edge of the glass and ripped the skin off. I pulled back a finger with a flap of skin hanging off of it. Great. I called Brad who rushed home to take me and my washcloth wrapped hand to urgent care. The WONDERFUL doctor who saw me cleaned me up, sewed my finger closed and told me to keep it covered and dry for two weeks and there shouldn't be any more problems. Aside from the tetanus shot I had to get in addition to the stitches I think it all ended better than it could have. I advise you to never let your guard down when it comes to cleaning your house. You may not be so lucky :)

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