Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Winds-day

This has taken me a while to post about so please forgive me. We had a bit of excitement the week before Halloween. We were under wind storm warnings that Wednesday and I spent the day watching the trees out my front window bend and sway in the breeze; I prayed they wouldn't come crashing down on my roof! Little did I know that Brad would come home from work to find this:

Thats our backyard and I never heard a sound! Brad was carrying things down the outside stairs and in through the basement when he noticed it. He came in and told me 'we lost a tree by the stairs'. I went outside to discover we hadn't lost A tree we lost THE tree. It took us about 4 days and some help from my dad and brother in law and the handyman who works for our neighbors but we got it cleaned up. It is amazing how much this tree covered all on its own-the space it empty now and we are trying to figure out what to do with it now. We were so lucky this landed in the lake and didn't fall the other way!

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