Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I have excuses....

Tons of them on why I have been so blog lazy lately! But I will spare you with those-at least until another post :) Miss C is fast approaching her first Christmas and her first Birthday and we are having such fun!!! My parents decided to give her her big present early since she is trying to walk. She now wanders up and down the hallway pushing her musical walker in front of her. Why do children's toys have to have such annoying sounds?? She has a ball with it and belly laughs the whole time...well until she stops walking to bust out the dance moves. I have been trying to get a video of her but she now knows what the camera is for and usually stops what she is doing so she can investigate it. She really enjoyed her first Thanksgiving and pigged out big time-just like her daddy! We've been to a parade already, watched some old time Christmas movies and even been to see Santa twice!! She did pretty good too. We also celebrated Christmas with Brad's parents already as well. Again, why do toys have to make noise :)I have been saying for a few weeks now that all I want for Christmas is Caroline's two front teeth and it looks like I have gotten that wish early! It seems like we were teeting with her (and still are) for months! Those poor gums were always so red and swollen but one has fully popped through and is slowly growing out more and the other just broke the gums the other day. She has the funniest expressions now. She is such a cute and a "cheeseface" as we like to call her trademark move these days. While I may not be blogging much I am taking lots of pictures and videos lately to make up for our absense from our blog world.

There's the 'cheeseface'!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love my new toy Auntie Nicole!

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