Friday, December 18, 2009

The end is near?

Today was our 36 week appointment; I am going every week at this point. From last week until today I managed to only gain 2 pounds!!! yay me! However, there is some sort of sizing problem with my belly all of a sudden. My doctor is sending me for another ultrasound (I only had the one done at 20 weeks and all was well) before my next appointment on Tuesday. The reason being is that I am measuring a 'bit bigger' than he would like. He measured me three times today to be sure and I of course didn't ask but just sat there and listened and thought of the HUGE baby I might have :) He says he just wants to be sure that we are still on track and on schedule and that all is well and we don't have to expect anything earlier than we thought. I will be on edge until we find SOMETHING, anything out on Tuesday and I think Brad is just overjoyed and gloriously happy. He keeps saying 'but, we get to see the baby'. Remember, he couldn't take off of work to be at the first one and now there is nothing that can stop him with this second chance! But, while I am sittting and waiting I am also being humored. While I think that I am going to have a big child my family (mom and Melissa to be exact) are even more convinced that there is and always have been two babies in there! Abby says there is one baby and out of the blue announced the other day that baby snoopy would be here before Christmas would....they say children have an intuition so we shall see! Other than this new development all is well. I am large and feel like I am carrying around a rock most of the time and am really looking forward to the end. I have been having some major Braxton Hicks lately so I am getting a good idea what to expect-I least I hope so! Both baby and I are (finally) ready to leave for the hospital at a mometns notice and I can't wait. After Tuesday I am sure to have more updates so check back then but in the meantime keep us in thought and prayer.

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