Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Not your mother's bra

Earlier this week I put on a bra for the first time in about a year and a half.

Yes, that's right for the FIRST time. It was a REAL bra. Not a maternity bra or nursing bra or the sports/sleep bra I wore to bed for months.

Nope, it was a CUTE bra. It was black with this really artsy white flowers all over it. It has a little scallop edging to it. It doesn't have clips or hooks or anything to open up the front. It didn't cost me an arm and a leg either.

If you haven't put two and two together yet, the real point to this post is that after one year and two days Caroline has given up the 'momma juice'. She is a very happy, healthy, WEANED one year old.

I made it through ONE WHOLE YEAR. After the rough start we had when she first came home from the hospital I can't believe we made it. I can't believe I made it. I am so proud of myself and that doesn't happen often.

It all ended on a beautiful note. Two weeks before her birthday I started taking Caroline down to two feedings a day with about 13 hours between them. Then the following week I went down to one feeding at 5 or 6 in the morning; whenever she woke up. It was tough...tougher than tough. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to take it down to nothing. She was so fussy and cranky and angry through most of the process. But, at about 4 am two days after her birthday it all came to a wonderful end. It was about 13 hours after her party had ended when she woke up very upset in the middle of the night. We tried everything to get her to stop crying and just relax and go to sleep. Finally, with nothing else to try and both of us dead on our feet we did the unthinkable (to us) and brought her in our bed to lay with us. I ended up cuddling her close to me and she nursed and feel asleep. (we put her back in her crib after that) I didn't realize it until later but I had fed her for the last time since I said come Monday there would be no more feedings.

She was a champ. She never cried for it. She never got cranky for it. She was unbelievable.
So happy with her sippy cup of water or milk. What a big girl.

I do miss it but I know it would only be for my benefit at this point. She eats anything and everything we give her now. I love that we got that time together. I am so so thankful that it worked out for us. I can't imagine doing things different.

But, I do enjoy eating spicy food and having a glass of wine again too :) I am not one to toot my own horn but in this case I might....

Go me- you did it when you thought you would have to give up. You made it when you thought you wouldn't.


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