Monday, June 20, 2011

My little sponge

I am trying to think of all the 'new' things Caroline is doing lately. I used to worry and still do sometimes that I won't be a good 'teacher' to my children. That I wouldn't be able to teach them anything before they went to school. Turns out I don't have much to worry about...she picks stuff up on her own just from being around me and mimicking anything she sees or hears. I have done my share of 'teaching' her some things but I can't believe what she knows and I go 'how did she learn that?'.

Genius, my friends. I tell you, she is a genius.

She now knows FIVE animal sounds. In addition to the dog and monkey she already knew I have taught her cow, kitty cat and duck. She's her own Ol' McDonald :)

She now puts down her fork or spoon when Brad and I begin to pray before meals. She stops what she is doing and puts her hands together with the biggest smile and then claps when we say AMEN. I hadn't even started working on that with her!

She also knows who Jesus is and can identify pictures/statues of him when I ask. She is more vocal and rambunctious in church now so I usually ask where Jesus is and she looks to our big crucifix and points and is quiet and transfixed for at least a few minutes :)

She knows her please's and thank you's....I am so proud of this one! Alhtough, she thinks as long as she says please she gets what she asked for. Gotta work on that one.

We have alwasy played the 'stinky feet' game with her where we smell her piggles and then make a big fuss of them being smelly. They aren't but she LOVES it. This past weekend she started smelling her own feet (or ours) and then waving her hand under her nose going 'eeew'...cracked us up the first time she did it!

She now pushes her own nose and makes a honk-honk noise and then pushes ours and giggles at whatever noise we decide to make.

She knows where the baby is and will come over, lift my shirt, hit my tummy and say 'baby!' and then air kiss my stomach....awwww! She also thinks there is a baby in her belly AND in Brad's though :)

I know there is so much more she does because she changes everyday but I can't think of it all!

One of the biggest things she is doing now is brushing her teeth! We had given up on trying to do this long ago and I was so worried all her teeth would fall out soon. We used to have to pry her mouth open and listen to her scream while we did a quick once over. After my sister's family spent a weekend with us and she saw her cousins doing it, she wanted to participate. So, we went and got her a fun toothbrush with Cookie Monster on it (although she calls him 'Cook') and some training toothpaste. Now, the only screams come when we literally have to pry the toothbrush out of her fingers :)

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