Monday, August 22, 2011

El Nino

I happen to be 100% Polish (and proud of it). Brad is 50% Polish with the rest mostly German.

The child I am carrying is somehow part Hispanic. I think.

With Caroline all I can remember having is food aversions. The wonderful pregnancy cravings never came. This time around I crave so much stuff! The first and biggest one is Mexican food...anything spicy really. I can't get enough Taco Bell or homemade Tacos or nachos. I usually HATE salsa but if we get chips and salsa somewhere, guess what I am dipping?? My dad even made a Taco Bell run for me one night while we were down there since Brad wouldn't go :)

This kid LOVES spicy foods. It isn't everything though. I really have no desire to go to say Buffalo Wild Wings but I do want to make my homemade buffalo chicken pizza. One day my brother and sister in law were visiting my parents and we were all together. They had brought a small bag of those flaming hot Cheetos and offered me some. I am not one to eat them all that much but I couldn't seem to keep my hand out of the bag. They are a good go to snack for a spicy craving. Now, if only all the food I want to eat wouldn't give me such bad heartburn....this kid better come out with a full head of hair with the heartburn I get!

Thus, because of this I have dubbed this child: 'el nino' :). My mom has joined along with me but everyone else still mostly calls him/her 'santa baby'. My name fits in other ways too.

Not only is this kid addicted to spicy food he is also a jumping bean. I SWEAR I started to feel movement around 13 weeks this time; it may be because this is my second pregnancy but I don't know. For any and all ultrasounds we've had the baby is NOT cooperative AT ALL. I went to the pediatric cardiologist to check on the hole they think they found (there isn't one!!!!) and every time the tech would go to enlarge the picture the baby would move. And, she was enlarging "just ok' shots...the baby wasn't giving us anything good to work with! I could feel AND see what was going on in there while it was happening. EVERY SINGLE time we go for an ultrasound all it does is hop around and push everything out of the way :) We have quite the rambunctious little one on our hands here!

As I said, the heart doctor couldn't see anything majorly wrong with the heart and we are hoping that they don't find anything minor at birth either. I have to see my Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist every four weeks now to monitor my growth until I deliver but I get to see the baby every time so I don't mind all the extra doctors. I am 23 weeks along and I have one more doctor appointment before I start seeing my regular OB/GYN every two weeks!! We are slowly getting there.

In big sister news, she is also getting ready too. Much to mommy's dismay. Last week while staying with my parents she absolutely REFUSED to sleep in her crib. She spent the week in a big girl bed :( TEARS! (from mommy at least) We have a big girl bed for her at home too and we went out and bought all of her bedding and pillows for it and she sleeps there everynight...her crib sits empty. But, we also now have to get a move on with her 'big girl room'...the ONLY thing in there right now is the bed. If you looked at her 'room' right now you would wonder what kind of parents we were! And, as of Sunday she is also refusing to sit in ANY highchair. Whether we are at home or eating out. She has a booster seat attahed to a chair at our table and just looks TOO big. She is ready to be the big sister I guess!

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go check if I have all the supplies to make Taco's for dinner tomorrow...

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