Monday, August 29, 2011

Trading Spaces

I knew it was coming. I knew that Caroline would get a new room so the baby could have the nursery.

Whether I like it or not, my little girl is going to grow up.

Whether I like it or not she is getting bigger and will demand to be treated as such.

A few weeks ago her first big demand came.

While staying at my parents house for a week (mom had knee surgery and needed my help) she absolutely refused to be put down in her pack n'play.

I didn't even see it coming. I didn't even realize it would happen so fast or easy.

My little girl decided she needed to be in a big girl bed :(

My parents had a toddler bed in the basement and we set it up right across from our bed in the guest room and she loved it.

She survived and so did I....well really, I am dealing with this new change every day.

When we returned home we knew she couldn't go back in the crib. We had a full size twin bed ready for her and she took to it really well. We bought her a twin trundle bed at Salvation Army months ago. I don't even think we were trying to make her a big sister yet but we knew we would need a bed for her someday and this was a GREAT deal.

Because we were so unprepared, we had to run out and search for bedding that I liked. That proved harder than we thought but we found something that we liked and it is all coming together now. We aren't doing a 'theme' but rather a few main colors and accenting with little bits and pieces of her current favorite characters.

Brad is busy painting all of the second hand furniture to match the bed and we hope to have that ready soon. I have a TON of little projects in the works to complete the look and hopefully we will have a big reveal soon. But for now, this is what it looks like. Remember, we weren't ready for this big change; she sprang it on us unexpected which is why her room doesn't look 'kid friendly' quite yet :)

Yes, the printer will be moved soon and the patio cushions are until she fully gets the hang of the bed and we are sure she won't fall out. And, when we are sure she understands she can't just climb out whenever she feels like it :)

If you'll excuse me she wants to sit on my lap and read a book and I am embracing these 'little kid' moments as long as she lets me have them now :)

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