Saturday, October 22, 2011


The 'big girl room' is finally complete! We've been doing lots of creating, recreating, painting, crafting and shopping to finally get here! We are very pleased with it and so is Caroline; we've had to put one of those childproof doorknob locks on the door so she can't go in there whenever she wants (whenever mommy isn't looking!). She loves sleeping in her big girl bed and aside from the recent problem she's had with getting out of bed to come into our room at all hours of the night we are very happy with this smooth transition.
And, now I will let the room speak for itself:

This tree was a pain to put up but I am in love with it. Both her dollbed and desk are garage sale buys and she loves 'rearranging' the furniture!
I made the curtains from one long panel curtain that I got at Salvation Army for $3 and then embellished. I also re-did the night stand and the lamp is from a Mom2Mom sale.

A close up look of the used to be a plain natural wood color with no decorations at all!

My old dresser that we painted white...much better! I made the picture frames on the dresser, the name blocks on top and re-painted the little shelf on the wall.

In my opinion I think this room is every little girls dream come true :)

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