Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby News

Yesterday was my monthly appointment with my doctor...we've made it to the 6 month mark! Just saying six months is unbelievable but I know I feel like this is taking forever. I am very impatient. The doctor measured me and I am right on target to where I should be and my weight gain wasn't too bad this time. The baby moves around ALOT now and it started going crazy when the doctor started talking to me. I had been in the same position for a while up to that point and felt nothing until I started talking with the doctor so I am wondering if baby bear can hear and make out new sounds/voices. Its favorite time to start to move around is when mom lays down, gets comfy and closes her eyes. Of course, when it starts it is hard to ignore and I tell baby bear to calm down. I now have to start keeping track of fetal kick counts which they taught me about. The doctor talked to me about getting flu shots. He would like to see me get both the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines but I don't know how I feel about that. We'll be praying on that until the next appointment. I have to go in for the standard blood glucose test which thrills me not but hopefully it will all turn out ok.

Baby bear's nursery is all taped off and waiting to be painted....hopefully we will start that in the next two weeks around our busy schedule. I am starting to wash all the clothes and stuff I have been picking up too. I got a baby shower gift in the mail today from someone who can't come to the big event and it was so exciting. So, we are starting to get the real 'tools' that we will need for the baby and it's getting real. We've got a couple crazy weekends ahead of us so we are hoping to get organized sometime soon and at least started before the end of October and my baby shower. I have one more appointment in October before we start going every two weeks. I went to put my appointments on our calendar and it just hit me how fast things are going to start going soon. We'll be there before we know it!

I added a poll to the right side of the blog. Please, just take two seconds because I really want to see what everyone thinks. So far everyone who sees me says the same thing...I am the only one who says different. I don't have a feeling or anything; my thoughts on the matter change everyday really. But, so far most everyone thinks the same thing so I would like to see what more people think!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

All grown up!

I have to blog about this because I am SO super excited and giddy. I recieved some great mail today. After reviewing our finances and figuring out what we can afford and what we could cut from our spending before the baby came I decided to take some of my money and pay off my car! I had my old checking and saving accounts from my pre marriage days that I had been too lazy to throw into Brad's accounts. I haven't touched them probably since before the wedding so they were only sitting there anyways. I would never let Brad pay off my car entirely, even though it was OUR money that had been paying it for the last few months anyway-it was my debt and I would feel guilty. I took a large chunk of what was left of my single girl savings and sent a payoff check to Ford Motor two weeks ago. I got the letter of termination on my loan today and wanted to cry! This was my first adult purchase three years ago after getting my first adult job and I was so proud of myself. I even paid it off two years early so we got a tiny bit of a refund too. I own a car!!! Now, if I could just drive it :) I haven't driven it much since getting married either. So technically I own a car that Brad drives and I drive a car that Brad owns! I'm really a big girl now :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bonding with Dad

After MANY attempts and weeks of putting up with our silly, stubborn child Daddy has finally felt baby bear. I have been feeling the baby more and more-almost every time I am laying down or sitting and Brad has been waiting patiently. Whenever it would get moving we would place Brad's hand on my belly and wait. Of course, our little stinker would stop moving every time!!! It was almost as if baby knew that daddy was waiting to feel him or her. Even one morning Brad kissed me good bye and left for work and as soon as I heard the door close I felt someone starting to dance. Kind of like, whew he's gone lets get going. But, last night in bed while we watched TV Brad put his hand on my belly since there was quite a bit of action and we waited. All of a sudden he said he felt something and it happened to be the baby! He was so excited and every time he felt it he would ask me to be sure-THREE times in all. Then of course the baby stopped again but Brad and I both were so happy. He is already looking forward to the next time the baby says hello :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Home Makeover

As of yesterday our 'To-Do list' got a little bit shorter. It took two Saturdays and a few hours on labor day but a big project is finally done. Brad, with the help of my dad and mom, has finished our new banisters around the stairs. The only thing left to do is stain them but they look beautiful already and we are very happy with them. The old ones as you can see were metal, VERY low (I could bend my knees and sit on them) and had spaces too big between the rungs and between the floor and the bottom. The new ones pass current safety regulations as far as spacing and they are higher and we both can lean over them and feel safe and know that the baby will be safe once it is mobile :)


AFTER: But before staining. We also have to pick out a new handrail too.

The other home makeover was big victory on my part. Way back in May when I first got pregnant Brad painted our room and then made the valances I wanted hung. All I had to do was cover them in fabric so he could hang them. This past week I finally got around to it and they are hanging and our room is now done!