Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bonding with Dad

After MANY attempts and weeks of putting up with our silly, stubborn child Daddy has finally felt baby bear. I have been feeling the baby more and more-almost every time I am laying down or sitting and Brad has been waiting patiently. Whenever it would get moving we would place Brad's hand on my belly and wait. Of course, our little stinker would stop moving every time!!! It was almost as if baby knew that daddy was waiting to feel him or her. Even one morning Brad kissed me good bye and left for work and as soon as I heard the door close I felt someone starting to dance. Kind of like, whew he's gone lets get going. But, last night in bed while we watched TV Brad put his hand on my belly since there was quite a bit of action and we waited. All of a sudden he said he felt something and it happened to be the baby! He was so excited and every time he felt it he would ask me to be sure-THREE times in all. Then of course the baby stopped again but Brad and I both were so happy. He is already looking forward to the next time the baby says hello :)

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