Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Home Makeover

As of yesterday our 'To-Do list' got a little bit shorter. It took two Saturdays and a few hours on labor day but a big project is finally done. Brad, with the help of my dad and mom, has finished our new banisters around the stairs. The only thing left to do is stain them but they look beautiful already and we are very happy with them. The old ones as you can see were metal, VERY low (I could bend my knees and sit on them) and had spaces too big between the rungs and between the floor and the bottom. The new ones pass current safety regulations as far as spacing and they are higher and we both can lean over them and feel safe and know that the baby will be safe once it is mobile :)


AFTER: But before staining. We also have to pick out a new handrail too.

The other home makeover was big victory on my part. Way back in May when I first got pregnant Brad painted our room and then made the valances I wanted hung. All I had to do was cover them in fabric so he could hang them. This past week I finally got around to it and they are hanging and our room is now done!

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