Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Full Term

Yesterday was our 37 week appointment with the doctor. It went well as did our ultrasound in the morning. Baby is looking well; even though it was harder to see everything since he/she is so big at this point. I had a bit of a hard time being on my back for that long so the tech had to finish up quick toward the end and then get me a wet cloth for my face and a glass of water to help me out. But, she did tell us what her calculations were for baby's weight. Now, this is no way even close to being accurate and the doctor explained that these ultrasounds can be off by more than a pound either way. I sure hope if it's off of the guesstimate that is is LESS than what they think! I am not going to say what the guesstimate is but rather wait and see what baby bear really weighs in at! Which, we will have to wait for. The doctor is fine with the size and amount of fluid in there and we are just stuck waiting for this kid to get things started on my own. If I don't go into labor on my own by the week of my due date he will do another ultrsound and then decide if we need to induce. I am glad for one reason not to be induced-inductions are more likely to end in c-sections according to most of what I've read and what my doctor told me. I would like for this part to be over and to be holding my child but I know that I want whats best for both of us. So, for now 'gigantoid' (the new nickname) is staying put and gaining weight steadily...while I actually have lost some in a week. We are looking forward to celebrating this very special Christmas and wish you and yours the best. I can't help this year but think about our blessed Mother all the time to help me through. I am so grateful I don't have to do this on the back of a donkey and give birth in the hay with only a man to help me :) Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The end is near?

Today was our 36 week appointment; I am going every week at this point. From last week until today I managed to only gain 2 pounds!!! yay me! However, there is some sort of sizing problem with my belly all of a sudden. My doctor is sending me for another ultrasound (I only had the one done at 20 weeks and all was well) before my next appointment on Tuesday. The reason being is that I am measuring a 'bit bigger' than he would like. He measured me three times today to be sure and I of course didn't ask but just sat there and listened and thought of the HUGE baby I might have :) He says he just wants to be sure that we are still on track and on schedule and that all is well and we don't have to expect anything earlier than we thought. I will be on edge until we find SOMETHING, anything out on Tuesday and I think Brad is just overjoyed and gloriously happy. He keeps saying 'but, we get to see the baby'. Remember, he couldn't take off of work to be at the first one and now there is nothing that can stop him with this second chance! But, while I am sittting and waiting I am also being humored. While I think that I am going to have a big child my family (mom and Melissa to be exact) are even more convinced that there is and always have been two babies in there! Abby says there is one baby and out of the blue announced the other day that baby snoopy would be here before Christmas would....they say children have an intuition so we shall see! Other than this new development all is well. I am large and feel like I am carrying around a rock most of the time and am really looking forward to the end. I have been having some major Braxton Hicks lately so I am getting a good idea what to expect-I least I hope so! Both baby and I are (finally) ready to leave for the hospital at a mometns notice and I can't wait. After Tuesday I am sure to have more updates so check back then but in the meantime keep us in thought and prayer.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This time last year

I was a blushing bride and Brad was letting go of his bachelor status. Yes, it really has been a whole year since our wedding! We've made it to our first anniversary and I still can't quite wrap my head around the idea yet. I hope nothing changes too drastically between us now that we aren't quite 'newlyweds' anymore. We enjoyed being together today and celebrated well. We actually went to church with my family-in the church where we were married last year. Brad has been working third shift for a few weeks now and he dropped me off at my folks on Friday and he worked until 3 am and had to be back at 8am for a few hours. So, because we were both so tired we spent another night with my folks and went to church down there. We exchanged our cards this afternoon after getting home. Our 'gifts' to each other should start arriving soon. Brad had done his research a few weeks ago and found out that the traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper. He then suggested we buy each other a year subscription to a magazine-which I thought was a great idea. So, sometime soon I will be getting People magazine (a guilty pleasure) and he will be getting Weird-I mean Popular Science :) We spent some time talking about our wedding and reminiscing and I even played our song for him on the ride home. Then, one of the best things we did to celebrate today was let each other take naps! We each slept for about an hour and felt so good...we must be an old married couple. We also enjoyed an AMAZING dinner at the Melting Pot in Troy which we have never done before. WOW, what a great meal to celebrate with! As soon as I have some room left in my tummy I will go cut into the top layer of our wedding cake that has been defrosting all weekend. We've gotten phone calls and cards all weekend from so many people and we have been thinking of everyone who shared this special time with us last year.
In baby related news ( I can't seem to keep him/her out of any post) I think we are shifting downward! I am pretty sure it dropped a bit. I got out of my seat at the restaurant tonight after feeling the baby move a bit during dinner and then I looked down. I stared for a while and Brad thought maybe I was watching it move. However, I was wondering where my tummy went. I swear that the top of my belly is smaller and there is more space between my chest and the bump. Plus, I feel like I am sticking straight out even more now. So, I am very excited at the prospect that this little butt will not poking me in the ribs as much anymore and the end is truly in sight!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

6 more weeks of waiting....

As of yesterday I am at 34 weeks with 6 more to go. I remind myself often that I only have six more weeks left-something has to get me through the day! This is the only time in my life where I am looking forward to a milestone involving the number 40. We had our doctor appointment today and it was a really good one. At my last appointment two weeks ago, the doctor I saw wasn't sure if the baby was head down. But, the doctor today was able to immediately confirm that baby bear has headed south and is in position!!! I was so excited after spending the last two weeks asking the baby to move and praying I wouldn't need a c-section or anything. I also found out that I have a very boney little bottom pressing up against my ribs making me quite uncomfortable most of the time :) Baby bear doesn't have much room left but kicks and moves all the time. His little feet are on the left side of my belly just as I expected from the amount of movement latley. He also gets the hiccups more often and it is easier for me to feel them and it is so cute. I also didn't gain much weight this time much to my surprise and I am very happy with my weight gain thus far for the pregnancy. I get braxton hicks contractions alot and have passed the point where anything can make me comfortable. Sleeping has become a bit of a chore and the baby does NOT like when we spend too much time in the car! That boney little bottom likes to push upward then :) But, we are all ready for the arrival of our little one and it seems it is all I can think about through the day. Brad has had a very tough work schedule lately where he is working nights and sleeping during the day so that makes it tough for both of us and he may have to make a small out of town work trip soon so please keeps us all in thought and prayer as we get closer and closer everyday. We can hardly wait for this ourselves and look forward to sharing our joy with you soon!