Sunday, December 13, 2009

This time last year

I was a blushing bride and Brad was letting go of his bachelor status. Yes, it really has been a whole year since our wedding! We've made it to our first anniversary and I still can't quite wrap my head around the idea yet. I hope nothing changes too drastically between us now that we aren't quite 'newlyweds' anymore. We enjoyed being together today and celebrated well. We actually went to church with my family-in the church where we were married last year. Brad has been working third shift for a few weeks now and he dropped me off at my folks on Friday and he worked until 3 am and had to be back at 8am for a few hours. So, because we were both so tired we spent another night with my folks and went to church down there. We exchanged our cards this afternoon after getting home. Our 'gifts' to each other should start arriving soon. Brad had done his research a few weeks ago and found out that the traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper. He then suggested we buy each other a year subscription to a magazine-which I thought was a great idea. So, sometime soon I will be getting People magazine (a guilty pleasure) and he will be getting Weird-I mean Popular Science :) We spent some time talking about our wedding and reminiscing and I even played our song for him on the ride home. Then, one of the best things we did to celebrate today was let each other take naps! We each slept for about an hour and felt so good...we must be an old married couple. We also enjoyed an AMAZING dinner at the Melting Pot in Troy which we have never done before. WOW, what a great meal to celebrate with! As soon as I have some room left in my tummy I will go cut into the top layer of our wedding cake that has been defrosting all weekend. We've gotten phone calls and cards all weekend from so many people and we have been thinking of everyone who shared this special time with us last year.
In baby related news ( I can't seem to keep him/her out of any post) I think we are shifting downward! I am pretty sure it dropped a bit. I got out of my seat at the restaurant tonight after feeling the baby move a bit during dinner and then I looked down. I stared for a while and Brad thought maybe I was watching it move. However, I was wondering where my tummy went. I swear that the top of my belly is smaller and there is more space between my chest and the bump. Plus, I feel like I am sticking straight out even more now. So, I am very excited at the prospect that this little butt will not poking me in the ribs as much anymore and the end is truly in sight!

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