Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Come Out, Come Out whoever you are :)

You see that ticker at the top of this blog? Yeah, the one that says we are OVERDUE!! Today should be a birthday but unless we have some great miracle, it won't be. We thought it might be yesterday but our stubborn child was only having some fun. I started getting contractions before Mass started Sunday so around 10:30 or 10:45 and they kept up all day. They were about 7-8 minutes apart but I knew they weren't long enough so we just went about our day. Brad and I have been staying with my family this week and last week. Brad suggested it so I wouldn't be alone during the day if something happens. Basically, our hospital is a half hour from our home OR from my family and since he works a hop, skip and jump away from the hospital if something were to happen during the day my mom or Melissa could get me to the hospital and he would meet us there. Anyways, we headed down to GPW for the week on Sunday night and the contractions were still coming. We finally headed to bed at 11:30 and they were still going. I was able to sleep for about 3 hours total with the pains waking me up a few times before I was never able to fall back asleep. Once the office opened I called the nurse and based upon what had been going on and my last dr. appointment she told me to head to the hospital to check for dilation, water breakage, etc. After being there for a few hours still with contractions and NO CHANGE from my last appointment last Wednesday I was sent home once more. I am so disheartened and depressed and don't think I will ever go back to the hospital out of fear of being sent home again. We do have another ultrasound and dr. apointment tomorrow and I am really hoping we set an induction date at this point. I want my baby and have very little paitence left! Plus, I am ready to not be pregnant anymore. I think I will miss all the little kicks and hiccups and what not but I am ready to have my body back all to myself :) So, the waiting game continues. And, once more IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD FROM US THERE IS NO BABY YET! :) Can you tell that I get the same kind of questions alot lately? LOL And, hopefully this is the LAST belly picture of me for this pregnancy-sorry I had to do it myself but I wanted one on my due date and didn't want to forget about it.

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