Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Say Uncle!

Lately I have been trying to find ways to make myself laugh and find the humor in life a lot more; gee-wonder why? :) And, after yet another disappointing trip to the hospital with labor pains (after 24 hours of regular contractions) only to be sent home once more I REALLY needed the laughs yesterday. Plus, it's always nice to talk about something besides the baby or talking to people about the baby or telling people "NO, I am still pregnant-there is no baby yet". Anyways :) this is a story I just had to share and immortalize forever here so I don't forget it. Our niece Ania (almost 2) has started to talk like crazy latey. Her vocabulary has seriously exploded. A few weeks ago she called me "Minca" for the first time and I was so excited. Yes, that's my nickname and after her sister was so late to talk it was nice to hear it from her. Plus, it's nicer than the nickname her sister gave me when she finally was talking...not nice at all and yes, she STILL calls me it much to my dismay. But, Ania says Minca and Brad almost perfectly. If you remind her she says the aunt and uncle part too but mostly it's just our names but she has time to learn. So, Yesterday I was laying down at my parents house after coming back from the hospital and the girls were there for dinner. She came in and wanted to lay with me so I helped her climb up on the bed and we began a 'conversation' and goofing around with each other. I began tickling her and she of course can say 'Stop' perfectly but I wouldn't let up. So, I began saying "say Uncle, say uncle" (that was our way of stopping somehting as kids-anyone remember that?). In between her giggles and after finally getting a breath as I screamed 'Say uncle!' just one more time she starts screaming 'Brad! Brad!'....as in the word 'uncle' to her means Brad...so funny and anytime I did it to her today, she does the same thing. So cute and of course I now love to make her laugh even more now just to hear her say it :) Kids say the cutest things! Ok, that really made me feel better just to retell the story! Thanks:)

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