Monday, March 22, 2010

A bunch of firsts

Little Miss C has been collecting her first moments like they will never happen again :)

Last week she celebrated her first St. Patrick's Day

She also went to the Zoo for the first time and was actually awake for most of it too. Fussy and fighting off the sleepiness but still awake.

She slept alot and ate little during the night this past Saturday and mommy had to find other ways to get rid of the good stuff. And, since I didn't love the idea of seeing that all go down the drain.....

Daddy fed her a bottle for the first time! This won't become a common scene but there are going to be times when I can't be around so we were happy she took to it...after some prodding and determination on our part.

She hit the two month mark yesterday and is growing leaps and bounds. She recognizes voices really well now and even turns her head when she hears Brad or I. She is trying to hold her head up so much lately and sits with support and doesn't fall over right away. And, she is also showing signs of wanting to roll over already so that is very exciting.

There is also another first but I couldn't take a picture. She slept for the first time in her crib the other day! It was just a nap so far but she was still in there...and looked so small. Her days of sleeping in the pack'n'play in our room are numbered (literally, she will outgrow the weight limit of the bassinet soon) so we must prepare her to move on. I cried when I laid her in there. And, then called my mom and cried some more. Then checked on her every two minutes. Where did two months go?!!

"You can crap in one hand and wish in the other..."

This blog post will begin with me asking if you are squeamish? Do you gag easily or find bodily functions parcticularly gross-especially those of infants?? If you answered yes to any of those then this blog post is not for you...pretend you didn't see it and don't read it.

As for me, I must blog about it because...well because I can and because everyone else finds it SOOOOO funny.

I consider myself a 'Real' mother now. No, I am not talking the instant I heard "It's a girl!" two months ago...and it certainly never happened when I pee'd on a stick last year or the nine months that followed. Nope, never did I feel then as I do now. That was all pre-game...a warmup. Heck, that was all the minor leagues compared to things now. When did this happen? How does this happen?

It could have happened the day my daughter paused in the middle of eating to unlatch and sneeze breastmilk into my face. And my partially opened mouth.

But, there was also the night when I picked her up to calm her fussiness and she spit up. LITERALLY. Up into my face and my hair as I held her in my arms and looked down at her.

Wait, that is much too similar to the time I had her on my shoulder trying to burp her and she spit so much that it ran down my collarbone, into my cleavage and settled in my bra. SEXY

These compare not at all the the exact moment it happened. The moment when I was a real honest-to-goodness-I love my kid so much I would do anything-fear nothing-seen it all-put their needs and comfort first-REAL mother. But even a real mother can have a weak stomach, right? Even I can be disgusted and yet still take care of things right? That is just how I felt the other day when my daughter showed us she could eat and fill her pants at the same time. And POOPED in my HAND! Yes, she shot it upward and out of the top of her diaper while I held her close to me and fed her the 'momma juice' from my own body. This child who has the smile of an angel, whose coo's can make my heart melt pooped in my hand. Maybe this was her way of saying 'hey mom, you make goooood stuff'. Maybe?? Or no?

These kinds of potty breaks, the diaper escaping kind, are common in breastfed infants as our pediatrician told me. Gee, thanks. The kind doctor also told me a personal story of her own to make me feel better about it but that was before my own poo in the hand incident happened so I don't feel so bad for her anymore. Because, well her story did not involve poo landing in her hand.

Brad and I have now become double diaper parents. Yes, Caroline is wearing two diapers to cut down on the escapees. I can't wash the bouncy seat cover every day anymore. I can't lose any more jammies to poo stains that aren't going away. I can't take it on my jeans, soaking through to my undies as I hold the little miracle anymore :) She is wearing two diapers until this passes and she doesn't mind it one bit. Mom is doing much better too. But, that could be because dad handled almost every poopy diaper this weekend and my only contact came when she did it while in my lap.

Go ahead. Be jealous. This is MY life.

And I love it. I never want a different job again. Poopy hand and all :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

And the Doctor said...

Mommy and Caroline are A-OK!! It has taken me a while to post about this but both Caroline and I have been for our 6 week check ups and we passed with flying colors! She does have a touch of Acid reflux but so far I am able to control it by watching what I eat and how I feed her and keeping things as stress free and regular as possile so we don't need medicine yet. Caroline now weighs 12 pounds 11 ounces and is 23 inches long-in the 95 percentile for both! The doctor is also very surprised (yet happy) with how strong she already is in her neck-she can lift her head on her own already. She also is a strong kicker and is already moving herself on her side to try to roll over-we are all waiting and watching for that big moment! She is such a happy baby all the time and we love watching her smile and coo and try to talk to us.

My doctor also gave me a clean bill and I was cleared to go back to my everyday normal activities. My biggest accomplishment was that I am only 2 pounds over the weight I was before I got pregnant! I quickly lost all of the baby weight and am so excited about it. If I would have known it would be so easy to lose weight this way, I would have had kids years ago :)

Into the water

Yesterday was a day of great celebration for Caroline. We had her baptized at our church and it was a beautiful day all around. It was filled with so many traditions and sentiment and we were surrounded by so many special people. She started the day by getting dressed by her Godmother and Godfather just like all the babies in my family. She also wore the Christening gown worn by my mom, me, my sister, my brother and my nieces. We finished it out with the ring my dad wore for his baptism and the rest of us also wore. Such special moments for me to share with my daughter. The service was beautiful and she didn't even cry when the water was poured on her head! She got to see her family from Wisonsin again and even met her other two Great Grandmothers (G.G.'s) and some other special people from Wisconsin also came in to meet her and celebrate with us. Brad and I enjoyed celebrating this sacrament with our family and friends and introducing our daughter into the faith of our family :)