Monday, March 22, 2010

A bunch of firsts

Little Miss C has been collecting her first moments like they will never happen again :)

Last week she celebrated her first St. Patrick's Day

She also went to the Zoo for the first time and was actually awake for most of it too. Fussy and fighting off the sleepiness but still awake.

She slept alot and ate little during the night this past Saturday and mommy had to find other ways to get rid of the good stuff. And, since I didn't love the idea of seeing that all go down the drain.....

Daddy fed her a bottle for the first time! This won't become a common scene but there are going to be times when I can't be around so we were happy she took to it...after some prodding and determination on our part.

She hit the two month mark yesterday and is growing leaps and bounds. She recognizes voices really well now and even turns her head when she hears Brad or I. She is trying to hold her head up so much lately and sits with support and doesn't fall over right away. And, she is also showing signs of wanting to roll over already so that is very exciting.

There is also another first but I couldn't take a picture. She slept for the first time in her crib the other day! It was just a nap so far but she was still in there...and looked so small. Her days of sleeping in the pack'n'play in our room are numbered (literally, she will outgrow the weight limit of the bassinet soon) so we must prepare her to move on. I cried when I laid her in there. And, then called my mom and cried some more. Then checked on her every two minutes. Where did two months go?!!

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