Monday, March 15, 2010

And the Doctor said...

Mommy and Caroline are A-OK!! It has taken me a while to post about this but both Caroline and I have been for our 6 week check ups and we passed with flying colors! She does have a touch of Acid reflux but so far I am able to control it by watching what I eat and how I feed her and keeping things as stress free and regular as possile so we don't need medicine yet. Caroline now weighs 12 pounds 11 ounces and is 23 inches long-in the 95 percentile for both! The doctor is also very surprised (yet happy) with how strong she already is in her neck-she can lift her head on her own already. She also is a strong kicker and is already moving herself on her side to try to roll over-we are all waiting and watching for that big moment! She is such a happy baby all the time and we love watching her smile and coo and try to talk to us.

My doctor also gave me a clean bill and I was cleared to go back to my everyday normal activities. My biggest accomplishment was that I am only 2 pounds over the weight I was before I got pregnant! I quickly lost all of the baby weight and am so excited about it. If I would have known it would be so easy to lose weight this way, I would have had kids years ago :)

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