Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Caroline rolled over today! I was on the floor with her trying to get her to play with her toys and hold them when the pictures on the tv caught her eye and she was entranced. I joined her and began watching it too. Then, a bit later I looked at her and she was up on her side trying to get a toy! She got the bottom half of her body completely turned so her knees were touching the floor and she began using her knees and feet to push herself more. All in all it took over 5 minutes but I was encouraging her and soon her shoulders were both off the floor and she fell forward. She then began screaming...she was face down but couldn't get her arm out from under her. So, she rolled but her arm still gets stuck when she does it. I was so excited and even cried. That lasted only a little while since the rest of the afternoon every time I put her on the floor to play she tried some more and would get very frustrated...and crabby. Plus if that wasn't enough fun I can't put her in her bouncy seat without her trying to propel herself out of it and if changing a diaper was hard when all she could do was wiggle it has gotten progressively harder:) And I'm so happy about it! I didn't get a picture of the actual event since I didn't want to take my eyes off of her but these are from after she actually rolled when she was trying again.

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