Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daddy and Caroline's Day of Fun!

This past Saturday I attended a bridal shower which also meant something else...Daddy had to parent on his own.

I remember one time getting upset with some guys I used to work with when he said he had to 'babysit' his children for some reason. Uh, when you are the FATHER it isn't babysitting! It's being a parent. And Brad is a great one and was really excited to have her to himself. I made sure the diaper bag was ready for when he had to take her out, made sure he knew where everything was for her if she needed it and picked out a very special outfit for this big day. He even learned how to give her a bath on his own a few days before (usually he only sits in the bathroom and watches me when I give her a bath) just in case she got messy while I was away. I defrosted some milk and kissed my two loves good-bye. I of course cried but made it through the day. I also put my cell phone on the table next to me as soon as I got to the shower and checked in once but it wasn't needed. They had fun! She slept for him, ate for him, played with him and only fussed a little bit. I of course couldn't wait to get back to them but I had a GREAT afternoon out! But, who wouldn't want to rush home when this is what you left there...

Caroline also went to the doctor last week for her two month checkup-yes she is almost three months old now so we got both done at once. She got her first set of post birth shots :( she of course cried as did I but by the next morning things were back to normal. At 11 weeks she weighed in at 13 pounds 5 ounces and is now 24 1/2 inches long and her head is 16 inches. She is now in the 75% for her age group. We love our healthy girl!!

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