Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moving on up :)

With Caroline being able to hold her head up and rolling over now we are trying more things out with her. She sits in her Bumbo for short periods of time everday. She likes it for about two minutes at a time though :) She likes to lay down more and move everywhere! She actually rolled from back to belly and then surprised everyone in attendance when she continued the roll and went belly to back! I was sadly napping on the couch and missed the moment and my little queenie has refused to do it since but I had many witnesses to confirm it for me.

She is sitting in her high chair while mom and dad eat. This is SOOO nice for both of us to be able to eat at the same time without holding her if she was awake. She is FAR from eating solids yet but the high chair works for other purposes than eating right now.

She has incredible leg strength and is having much more fun and being way more active in the bathtub. A few weeks ago I took the 'baby sling' out of her tub and she now sits right in the water. She is constantly pushing up off the sides of the tub and trying to throw her legs over the side! She realizes that if she moves her legs fast enough she splashes and cracks herself up doing it. She has always enjoyed bathtime but we can really SEE that she is having fun with it now.
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And, our water baby took her first 'dip' in a pool when we went with my parents and sister to an indoor water park/resort in Ohio recently. She looked so cute in her suit and she liked putting her feet in the water and smiled and splashed when I sat her down in it. Of course, it only lasted until I put her back on dry land where I felt safer with her for now :)

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